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ANA\California's 2024 Legislative Support, Watch, and Oppose Bills List!!

Makeda Traynum
We are back!
We've compiled a list of bills that we have actively supported during this Legislative Session, either by signing coalition letters, sending support letters, or providing "Me-Too" testimony at hearings.
Please note that the absence of a bill from this list does not necessarily mean it has gone unnoticed. As the Legislative Session progresses, we are closely monitoring those bills as they are amended, as well as carefully considering input from legislative hearings, coalition partners, and fellow ANA\C members. Our position on certain bills may evolve as they move through the legislative process.
We aim to be diligent and responsive in our advocacy efforts, taking into account the latest developments and expert perspectives before determining our official position on pending legislation that impacts nursing and healthcare in California.
As a professional nursing organization, your insights, opinions, and advocacy voices are invaluable in shaping our approach and stance on bills that directly impact the nursing profession and the communities we serve. We value the diverse perspectives and want to hear your thoughts.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Quick Highlights:

Support (20 Total)

Watch (34 Total)

Oppose (0 Total)

Read the full legislative update below.


Support Bills

Addressing Workplace Violence

Domestic Violence Reporting

Combating the Opioid Epidemic 

Environmental Health

Increasing Housing Access for LGBTQI+ Youth Population

Advancement of APRN Practices

Increasing Equitable Access to Nursing Programs

Addressing Birthing Mortality Crisis 

Nursing Workforce Protections and Patient Safety Measures

Increasing Access to Healthcare

Healthcare Empowerment through Education and Self Determination

Which Bills did ANA\California send a Support Letter?

Lifting these barriers would increase access to safe, effective anesthesia care and reduce the rising costs for patients and dentists who depend on high-quality anesthesia services.

 A tactical solution to address opioid overdoses and prevent countless deaths is to increase the accessibility of naloxone in California.

To protect survivors' autonomy and respect survivors’ choices to ensure they have access to vital resources and services.

To foster a safe and secure workplace for emergency nurses thus allowing them to focus on providing exceptional care to critical patients.

By prioritizing accessibility to healthcare, we can promote health equity, reduce avoidable hospitalizations, and proactively keep people healthier.

By prioritizing the recruitment and education of a diverse nursing student body, we can foster a more inclusive and culturally competent healthcare workforce.


Watch Bills

Increasing Equitable Access to Nursing Programs

Addressing Perinatal Mortality/Morbidity Crisis 

AB 2527 (Bauer-Kahan) Incarceration: pregnant persons.

Building an Equitable Nursing Workforce Across Underserved Communities

Advancing Health Equity through Social Determinants

Increasing Healthcare Access for the LGBTQI+ population

Addressing the Mental Health Crisis

Environmental Health

Combating the Opioid Epidemic 

Reproductive Rights and Public Health Measures

Initiatives to Assist Child Victims of Human Trafficking

Increasing Access to HealthCare

Nursing Compact


Oppose Bills

None yet!


We want to hear from you!

If you are passionate about a bill that is not included in this list, please reach out to We welcome your ideas, thoughts, and advocacy efforts surrounding particular pieces of legislation. At ANA\C, we are committed to supporting our members' advocacy initiatives and amplifying the voices of nurses on the issues that matter most to our profession and the communities we serve.

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