This is a recap of recent legislative action and support by the American Nurses Association\California (ANA\C).
As of March 13th, 2022, ANA\C has listed support for the following legislative bills:
AB 1918 (Petrie-Norris)* - California Reproductive Health Service Corps.
(Blurb from our letter) - "...AB 1918... will improve our healthcare education pipeline, further strengthen our reproductive healthcare workforce, and build our training capacity by creating The California Reproductive Health Service Corps. The corps is responsible for investing upfront to train our future reproductive healthcare workforce with educational scholarships, living wage stipends and wrap-around services, along with loan repayment options for existing providers and recent graduates who desire to obtain the necessary skills to increase access and offer sexual and reproductive health services–including abortion, maternity care, and miscarriage management in underserved areas in California."
AB 2134 (Weber) – Support for the California Abortion and Reproductive Equity Act
(Blurb from our letter) - "...In 2019, Planned Parenthood health centers in California provided about 9 million dollars of uncompensated care to patients. To support California’s health care providers, AB 2134 seeks to create the California Reproductive Health Equity Program to provide financial support to safety net providers
who offer reproductive and sexual health care services, specifically abortion and contraception, to people in California who are unable to pay out-of-pocket for services."
SB 1375 (Atkins) - Nursing: nurse practitioners.
(Quote included in Pro Tem Atkins press release) - “Nurses see the impact that California’s health care provider shortage has on patients every single day. Women cannot and should not have to wait for access to the care they need - especially when it comes to their reproductive health. American Nurses Association\California strongly supports SB 1375 to ensure that Californians can get the high-quality care they need and that women are able to keep their reproductive freedom intact in our state.”
AB 1930 (Arambula) – Support for Medi-Cal Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program
(Blurb from our letter) - "...Over half of maternal deaths occur between the 1st day up through the 365th day during postpartum period. Black mothers in California are now dying at a rate of almost 6 times the rate for white mothers and at a rate worse than the national average. The CPSP benefit connects mothers to necessary medical care and social supports during Medi-Cal’s extended 12-month postpartum eligibility period launching April 1, 2022."
*Roxanne will be present in committee hearings to offer "Me Too" support on behalf of ANA\C.
AB 2260 (Rodriguez) - Emergency response: trauma kits.
ANA\C is listed as a supporter on the official website. (Thank you Danisha!)
**We will get in touch with the Emergency Nurses Association lobbyist so we can coordinate.
AB 2637 (Rubio) - Nursing: schools and programs: exemptions.
Will improve the quality of, and access to patient care by exempting certain qualifying institutions of nurse training from redundant programmatic regulations imposed by the Board of Registered Nursing.
ANA\C also met with Assembly and Senate Business & Professions Committees to discuss BRN Sunset hearings.