The biggest nursing advocacy event of the year!
Tune into ANA\California's RN Day at the Capitol 2023 video recording below to learn:
A 2023-2024 Legislative Session Overview
An update on important nursing legislation in California
Messages from California Senators and Assemblymembers
What the Advocacy Institute Guide is and how it can help you
How to increase nurses' value and influence
RN Day 2023 Agenda:
Opening Remarks by ANA\California President, Dr. Anita Girard
2023-2024 Legislative Overview by ANA\California's Executive Director, Dr. Marketa Houskova, and contracted lobbyist, Roxanne Gould.
Advocacy Institute Guide Announcement by Jared Fesler, Melissa Sablik, and Rachael Viale.
Nursing Advocacy in Policy and Politics by BJ Bartleson